All packages are sent from our warehouse in Stockholm , Sweden.
You have the right to cancel your purchase within 14 days of receiving the item, without giving any reason. As soon as we have received and processed the goods you have returned, the order amount will be refunded to the buyer. For the right of withdrawal to apply, the item(s) must be unused, and the product and packaging must be in unaltered and salable condition. This means you cannot use the product, remove labels or break any seals. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the item(s) must be returned to Aarja Health AS in the original packaging. Section 15 of the Right of Cancellation Act, the buyer must bear the return costs.
Send us an email at, or use our contact form here.
We need the following information:
- a) order number (found in the order confirmation, on the delivery note or invoice)
- b) your name and contact details
Refund of returns:
If you have paid by card, we will refund the amount to the same card you used for the purchase. Returns are normally processed within 3-5 working days. If you have questions related to refunds, contact us directly by using our contact form here , or contact us at
If you have paid with Klarna, Klarna will refund you once we have approved the return.
If you have paid with Swish, the amount will be refunded to the account number your Swish account is linked to.
The goods must be sent by Posten (Bring).
After you have received the products, you must, as soon as you have the opportunity to do so, check whether the delivery is in accordance with the order confirmation, whether the products have been damaged during transport or whether there are errors or defects in the products.
If the products are incorrect or missing when you receive the products in your possession, you can, depending on the circumstances, demand correction of the error, redelivery, price reduction, compensation or cancellation of the purchase. Notification of errors and defects in the products can be given to us orally or in writing by notifying customer service within 14 days after you discover the error or defect. For evidentiary reasons, we recommend that you send us a written complaint to customer service with a photo. We will acknowledge receipt of all complaints in writing and deal with the complaint within 7 working days.Contact information regarding complaints:
Email: or use our contact form here.
The parties shall try to resolve any disputes amicably. The buyer can contact the Consumer Council for help in a possible conflict with the seller, or the European Commission's complaint portal can also be used if you want to make a complaint. This is particularly relevant if you are a consumer living in another EU country.
We deliver all orders through Bring in Sweden or PostNord. Packages are held at the last stop for 7 days (please note this can vary and can be up to 14 days). You will receive a message when the package arrives. If you have not received the package notification or collected your package, you can contact us. Unclaimed shipment will not be returned unless you contact our customer service to declare it. All unclaimed packages are automatically charged SEK 100 for postage and handling in connection with the refund.
Contact us if there are any problems with your shipment or order.